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Loving Jesus
and showing
His love to others

About us

Bairnsdale Baptist Church is a community of people seeking to love Jesus and show His love to others.


We are a diverse bunch of people of different ages and different walks of life, but we all proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

He is the centre of our individual lives and of us together as a church community.


Our Vision for Bairnsdale Baptist Church is to strive to be the following:


1) Christ-Centred

A church worshipping Jesus Christ, our source of life, truth and hope.


2) Intergenerational Community

A church where all generations love and serve one another.


3) Outward-Focussed

A church that is a tangible presence in the wider community, sharing the gospel in word and deed.


4) Generous Hospitality

A church that welcomes people into our lives, not just our building.


5) Equipping

A church being equipped to partner in God's mission




All who are part of our the church play an important role,

serving one another with the time and gifts that God has given them. 


Pastor - John Frazer

John is married to Nicole and has three children; Isaac, Josh and Kate. John and his family joined Bairnsdale Baptist Church in 2020 and have quickly fallen in love with this beautiful patch of God's world.

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Associate Pastor - Brian Sommer

Brian is married to Faith and has several children along with a horde of grankids. Brian joined Bairnsdale Baptist Church in 2024 with a focus on Small Groups, Senior's Ministry and Congregational Care.


What we Believe

At Bairnsdale Baptist Church:


  • We believe in the one true God who has eternally existed in three persons. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.


  • We believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God to us.


  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.


  • We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, that He lived a sinless life and that He loves us so much that He willingly died on the cross, thereby taking the punishment that we deserve.


  • We believe that He was buried in a tomb and that He raised back to life on the third day and that He will return again to gather His believers to heaven. 


  • We believe that everyone has sinned and needs the forgiveness that only comes through faith and acceptance of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross.


  • We believe that salvation comes by the grace of God alone. There is nothing we can do to earn our own salvation.


  • We believe in the Holy Spirit as the third person of the trinity who leads, guides and gives life to believers.

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Safe Church

At Bairnsdale Baptist Church we take the safety and care of everyone who enters our church seriously. In particular we are additionally focused on providing a safe environment for children, youth, the elderly and any other vulnerable people.

The church has a range of policies and procedures, across church life, to ensure that we are providing safe places to run safe programs which are led by safe people.


At BBC all church leaders, along with all adults leading or helping in ministry with children or youth undergo regular training on Safe Church/Child Safe practices and also must have a current and valid Working With Children Check. BBC use the nationally recognised ChildSafe Program to train and equip our leaders and volunteers. We also receive regular updates from the Baptist Union of Victoria on changes in legislation and practice.


BBC seeks to fully comply with all state and national Child Safe Standards including Mandatory Reporting requirements and the Reportable Conduct Scheme. Our Safe Church concerns persons are John Frazer (Pastor) and Andrew Fearn-Wannan (Church Secretary).

John can be contacted by phone on 0481200772 or

Andrew can be contacted by phone on 0448601042 or

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